Progressive SEO: Infinite Scroll
A popular trend among websites is ‘Infinite Scroll’, also referred to as ‘endless scrolling’ or ‘long scroll’ which lets a user continuously scroll without clicking on another page to view information. This modern experience is to correlate with soc…
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June 2019 Google Core Algorithm Update
June 2019 brought one of the biggest algorithm updates that Google has done in some time. Unlike the one that launched back in March of 2019, this one seemed to impact a broader scope of websites and industries. Much of what we saw with the March 20…
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Recently Etsy, the big handmade marketplace, underwent an interesting A/B testing experiment on their search results page. They replaced normal pagination with infinite scroll and observed how user engagement in search dropped quickly. They concluded they should revert back to the old pagination ASAP. But sales actually didn't drop. It seems that people just found other ways to find the products they we
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A recent survey by MyBuys Inc. and consultancy The E-tailing Group found that among 1,000 consumers, 55% are willing to provide shopping preferences to trusted store owners in exchange for a better shopping experience. This survey tells us that about 1/2 of consumers are willing to invest in a better shopping experience while the other half either don’t want to spend the time to have a better experience or are concerned about giving personal information away. So what can you do as a store owner to keep customer trusting you and win new ones over? Develo
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