Our Partners

Magento is a robust eCommerce platform. Rocket Web exclusively builds eCommerce solutions with Magento because we believe it's the best solution for any business looking to take advantage of a fully open, flexible and scalable solution. Our partnership with Magento and the Magento community defines us as we participate in defining the ecosystem.

The advances that Rocket Web brought to life for Delicious Karma capture the essence of the art and technical expertise of successful commerce. We look forward to seeing our merchants and partners continue to push the bleeding edge of commerce innovation.

Roy Rubin Co-founder and former CEO of Magento
ZeroLag provides Magento-optimized managed hosting solutions for online merchants of all sizes, ranging from shared environments to multi-server clusters. Every Magento hosting deployment is engineered from the ground up to be responsive, scalable, and cost-effective. We use ZeroLag for our clients that demand high performance and exceptional response times.

Rocket Web's knowledge of the inner workings of Magento is unparalleled. ZeroLag confidently recommends Rocket Web to our clients.

Doug Goldberg Vice President of Magento Solutions
Sweet Tooth allows merchants to create engaging & profitable loyalty programs. With Sweet Tooth, merchants can reward customers with points to encourage them to spend more, shop more often, refer their friends, and eventually become loyal brand advocates. We have built and customized an award-winning site with the solutions that Sweet Tooth offers.

We are proud to have a close working relationship with Rocket Web. The Rocket Web team are one of the few agencies that are not only experts in technology, but also in branding & long term business strategy. Their work is always innovative.

Steve Deckert Co-founder Sweet Tooth
Braintree is a full-featured payment gateway with free advanced fraud tools plus a management UI and documentation that is incredibly clear. We have been working with Braintree Magento integrations and their API to make advanced recurring payment systems for years. Braintree has been both easy and powerful.
PayPal's wide range of payment offerings allow them to be a strong competitor against any payment system. Millions of potential eCommerce customers have a PayPal account that stores their payment, billing and shipping details in an easy to manage and access way. PayPal is always our preferred recommendation for mobile payments.
aheadWorks is the leading Magento extension developer. They have been developing consistently high quality extensions for years. We are able to leverage their work in nearly every project we've done. When we have a need, aheadWorks is one of the first places we look.
eBay is a multi-faceted eCommerce company that provides a marketplace for businesses and consumers to sell online. eBay owns PayPal, Magento and Braintree. We are deeply committed to all of these companies and provide their services for our clients.
Bronto is the all-in-one service when it comes to a cloud based marketing platform that captures and extends a Magento store's email, social and mobile outreach to target customers in a more data driven manner.
Nexcess has a strong Magento background and is our go-to solution for many Community and smaller Enterprise stores. They provide free migration services and their staff understands the workings of Magento for peak performance.

Turn your website into a well-oiled sales machine.

Tell us a bit about your Shopware, Adobe Commerce or Netsuite project.