Better performance, accessibility, maintainability and up to 50% faster development with Hyvä Theme.

Launch your storefront into orbit with Hyvä

Why upgrade to a Hyvä Theme?

Top-notch Performance

By leveraging modern technologies and best practices, it ensures faster page load times, reducing bounce rates and increasing conversion rates.

Accessibility Compliance

Hyvä follows Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 standards out-of-the-box, ensuring that your store is inclusive and accessible to all users.

Improved User Experience

It provides a seamless and engaging user experience, making it easier for customers to find products, navigate the website, and complete purchases.

Flexibility and Customization

With Hyvä we can create a unique and personalized online store experience that aligns with your brand identity and specific business requirements.

Streamlined Development Process

The component-based architecture and organized structure facilitate efficient development, reducing time-to-market and overall project costs.

SEO Boost

Improved performance, clean code, and structured data can help to improve search rankings and drive more organic traffic to your store.

Case Study: Redesign

The ColoradoCyclist website is a Magento-based e-commerce platform specializing in cycling gear and products. The existing traditional Magento theme utilized older technologies like jQuery, KnockoutJS, and LESS for styling. The goal of the redesign was to utilize more modern theme by adopting newer technologies, specifically Tailwind CSS and Alpine.js. The main objectives were to improve performance, enhance accessibility, and provide a more efficient development workflow. Hyvä Theme allowed us achieve all of the above goals in a record breaking timeline thanks to the enhanced development workflow.

Case Study: Redesign
  1. Performance Gain: The theme conversion resulted in a remarkable performance boost. The Lighthouse performance score increased from 80 to 98, ensuring quicker page load times and enhancing the overall user experience.

  2. Accessibility Compliance: The accessibility score improved from 68 to a perfect 100, ensuring inclusivity and meeting the WCAG 2.1 guidelines for a wider range of users.

  3. Enhanced Development Workflow: The adoption of Tailwind CSS and Alpine.js streamlined the development process, offering a more efficient and enjoyable development experience.

  4. Modernized Look and Feel: The redesigned components, responsive design, and modern styling provided a fresh and visually appealing user interface.


Turn your website into a well-oiled sales machine.

Tell us a bit about your Shopware, Adobe Commerce or Netsuite project.